Vielfalt und Inklusion

Unser Ziel ist es, einen Arbeitsplatz zu schaffen, an dem Vielfalt gedeiht, Gerechtigkeit die Norm ist und jeder Einzelne ein starkes Zugehörigkeitsgefühl verspürt.

Frauke Bastians, Senior D&I Manager

Belonging for everyone

We know that our employees are happiest and do their best work when they feel they belong and don’t need to hide any part of their identity.

Male worker in the forestry

Strength in Diversity

A diverse workforce benefits not only the business but also every individual involved. When our work environment is inclusive and equitable for everyone, then our diversity makes us even stronger. That’s why we appreciate and build on the unique strengths that each employee brings to the table.

Valuing differences is one of the guiding principles of our culture and values.

Office colleagues in a meeting

Listen, Learn, Share

We welcome curiosity and collaboration at Mondi. There is a lot we can learn by respectfully listening to one another. We also always encourage our colleagues to share their own ideas, insights and knowledge. After all, we are one team!

Giving and receiving feedback is also a big part of our culture, and it flows both ways. Regular surveys allow us to gather employee feedback and make further improvements in our work environment.

Lidija Sljeric

Broad Horizons

“Working at Mondi gives you an amazing chance to get to know all kinds of people from around the world. We provide opportunities and programmes to broaden everyone’s understanding on how we can all contribute to a more inclusive work culture”


Marita Schmid
Group Sustainability




Find your place at Mondi

Group picture with colleagues


The Curious Community is a diverse and friendly group of people, working together to make Mondi a place where everyone feels safe, welcome and valued. 

Colleagues around the world can take part in the Curious Community’s online events, a space where we come together to listen, learn and grow. We have talked about everything from Neurodiversity at work, to Cultures and their traditions to Gender partnership, and recruiting women into male dominated jobs. Discussions are open-minded, respectful and always interesting!

catalyst logo

Partnerschaft mit Catalyst

Seit 2022 ist Mondi ein Expert Community Partner von Catalyst und bietet unseren Kolleg:innen Zugriff auf alle von Catalyst veröffentlichten Materialien (Artikel, Forschungsarbeiten, Webinare, Grafiken und mehr). kostenlos. Ziel ist es, unsere Mitarbeitenden dabei zu unterstützen, im Bereich Vielfalt, Gleichberechtigung und Inklusion zu lernen und sich weiterzubilden. Catalyst ist eine globale gemeinnützige Organisation, die praktische Tools und Lösungen entwickelt, um die Gestaltung von Arbeitsplätzen zu unterstützen, die für alle funktionieren. 

male worker
Contribute to diversity and inclusion

Apply as your authentic self!

Our approach to diversity and inclusion starts with recruitment.

We know there’s more to you than what’s on your CV. We like to get a holistic view of your skills, experience and aspirations – everything that makes you the authentic you.

We are looking forward to getting to know you!