Mondi’s FlexiBag Recyclable tickles Fido’s taste buds by keeping soft pet food fresh and succulent

German pet food maker Mera Tiernahrung GmbH has partnered with global leader in packaging and paper, Mondi, to expand its product line to include a new type of dog food with semi-moist croquettes.
Mera realised that this type of pet food would require bespoke packaging to keep the chewable morsels fresh and moist for the duration of the product’s life span, while also being sustainable by design.
Using Mondi's customer-centric approach EcoSolutions, which helps clients find the most effective and sustainable way to protect their products, Mondi recommended a packaging for Mera that addressed the practical aspects of food preservation without compromising on sustainability.
Mondi’s FlexiBag Recyclable is a mono-material, polyethylene-based product with a barrier that is fully recyclable. The 12.5 kg bag is the largest of its kind using recyclable packaging in the pet food sector.
The bag has a tight seal to ensure long-term freshness and protect the pet food inside, and is fitted with a valve to allow air to escape when palletising the bags. The reclosable zipper makes it easy for the consumer to handle, and the attractive matte-lacquer external finish makes the packaging stand out on the store shelf.
Institute cyclos–HTP GmbH, the Institute for Recyclability and Product Responsibility, independently tested and certified the material, rating it as 95% recyclable in those areas where suitable recycling infrastructures are in place.
“The adoption of FlexiBag Recyclable for this application advances Mera down the path toward increased sustainability. Sustainability is a top priority for us, and working together with Mondi to make our packaging better for the environment was a logical next step to help meet our goals. Mera is the first company in the pet food sector to be certified by the TÜV Rheinland according to the ZNU standard of sustainable management,” said Mera Managing Director, Felix Vos.
According to the Mondi/Dow Premium Pet Packaging survey1 customers are beginning to pay more attention to the bag along with what’s inside it. In the same study one in three pet owners claimed they would switch to a brand that offers more sustainable packaging.
Technical details about FlexiBag Recyclable
- Many variations available related to material thickness, mono- or coextruded films, anti-slip variants)
- Various reclosing systems available as zippers, sliders, hook-and-loop
- Shelf stability
- Linear tear with or without perforation available
- Printable on all sides including the bottom
- Top and bottom filling possible
- Suitable for mechanical recycling where existing recycling systems are in place
Judith Wronn, Senior Communication Manager
Tel: +49 151 17714692
About Mondi
Mondi is a global leader in packaging and paper, contributing to a better world by making innovative, packaging and paper solutions that are sustainable by design. Our business is fully integrated across the value chain – from managing forests and producing pulp, paper and plastic films, to developing and manufacturing effective industrial and consumer packaging solutions. Sustainability is at the centre of our strategy and intrinsic in the way we do business. We lead the industry with our customer- centric approach, EcoSolutions, where we ask the right questions to find the most sustainable solution. In 2019, Mondi had revenues of €7.27 billion and underlying EBITDA of €1.66 billion.
Mondi has a premium listing on the London Stock Exchange (MNDI), and a secondary listing on the JSE Limited (MNP). Mondi is a FTSE 100 constituent, and has been included in the FTSE4Good Index Series since 2008 and the FTSE/JSE Responsible Investment Index Series since 2007.
About MERA – The Petfood Family
Die MERA Tiernahrung GmbH ist ein Familienunternehmen aus Kevelaer am Niederrhein. Seit der Unternehmensgründung 1949 durch Karl Vos ist die Firma in Familienbesitz und wird heute in der 3. Generation von Felix Vos geleitet. Unsere Leidenschaft gilt dem Wohlbefinden der Familientiere. Darum arbeiten wir bei MERA jeden Tag mit viel Herzblut an hochwertigen Ernährungskonzepten, die ganz auf die Bedürfnisse unserer treuen Vierbeiner abgestimmt sind. Die Auswahl wertvoller Zutaten, höchste Qualitätskontrollen sowie die sorgfältige Herstellung der Produkte in Deutschland, die nach Lebensmittelstandards in den Bereichen IFS und BRC zertifiziert sind, gehören bei MERA zur Tradition. Zusätzlich hat sich das Familienunternehmen 2019 durch den TÜV Rheinland nach ZNU-Standard Nachhaltiger Wirtschaften zertifizieren lassen. MERA produziert mehr als 70.000 Tonnen Hunde- und Katzenfutter pro Jahr und exportiert in über 40 Länder in Europa, Asien und Nordamerika und gehört damit zu den erfolgreichsten Premiumherstellern im Bereich der Hunde- und Katzennahrung.