Mondi | Sustainable Packaging and Paper

Products and Solutions

Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation

Finding a customised packaging solution that meets the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR) requirements with Mondi.

eCommerce trend report
Products and solutions

eCommerce trend report

An examination of trends, attitudes and expectations regarding eCommerce and the impact packaging has on the consumer experience.

Mondi Steti plant from above
sustainable packaging

Meeting growing demand

Mondi starts up new extrusion line at Štĕti (Czech Republic) to support customers in their transition to sustainable solutions.

Mondi Amazon ecommerce packaging

Mondi and Amazon team up

Bagging three prestigious sustainable packaging awards

Mondi cflex studio
flexible packaging solutions

Mondi opens FlexStudios

A brand-new innovation hub for co-creating sustainable flexible packaging solutions

Two people smiling
who we are

About mondi

We are a global leader in packaging and paper, contributing to a better world through innovative solutions that are sustainable by design.

two people talking about Mondi paper

Let's grow, create, inspire together

Offering exciting jobs across the world, in a business with sustainability at its core. We provide opportunities for you to grow and be inspired as part of an inclusive and empowered culture.

Sustainability at Mondi
Mondi Action Plan 2030


Sustainability is at the heart of our strategy and intrinsic to the way we do business. Our Mondi Action Plan 2030 (MAP2030) sets out the actions we will take over the next decade to reach our ambitious sustainability commitments.

get in touch

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