Science matters! Mondi and IUFRO collaborate for climate-fit forestry

Since 2021, we collaborate with the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) to identify science-based viable responses to climate-related threats to forests and forest-based industries.
The IUFRO Mondi partnership is a global partnership with a pan-European focus. Our aim is to establish a science-business platform through which we can partner to address climate change challenges and identify ways forward for the forestry and business community to ensure a sustainable future.
The partnership facilitates ‘Think Tank’ meetings that provide access to the latest knowledge on climate change and SDGs and help to identify potential response measures. We also arrange stakeholder dialogues to share findings and identify future pathways and actions, conduct scientific studies, workshops and promote best practice sharing.
In October 2021, the first ‘Think Tank’ meeting brought together 27 scientists and forest industry representatives along the forest value chain. The aim was to improve understanding between science and industry on the key topics with a focus on the Boreal, Continental, Alpine and Mediterranean regions. These topics included the impacts of climate change on forests, critical silvicultural management options and response options along the forest value chain, socio-political frameworks and societal perceptions. View the summary report.
In June 2022, the first IUFRO-Mondi Stakeholder Dialogue took place including a half-day workshop and an excursion to the Biosphere Reserve Wienerwald. Scientists, NGOs, forest owners and industry representatives discussed how to balance wood supply, carbon stocks, biodiversity and energy demand from forests in a changing climate.
At the excursion, representatives from Österreichische Bundesforste and the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU) shared insights into silvicultural approaches to climate adaption with the participants.
View the Moderator’s Summary.
In November 2022, around 20 participants representing science, forest industry and policy met at our second Think Tank meeting. Within interactive working group sessions followed by a plenary discussion, the participants identified potential response measures for forest management, policy, industry and science in order to reconcile the different perspectives and diverse demands on forests.
Mondi Action Plan 2030