Proving a spirit of resilience at Mondi Merebank

In April 2022, the KwaZulu-Natal region in South Africa has been affected by heavy rainfalls that has resulted in floodings.
In April 2022, the mill at Mondi Merebank (South Africa) was severely impacted by a devastating flood. The mill’s employees worked tirelessly to restart the mill, despite many suffering loss and damage at home. The mill was able to restart operations within eight weeks following a massive staff clean-up and recovery operation.
Mondi Merebank mill also supported colleagues and neighbouring communities: Employees without water at home were able to collect drinking water and a reusable 25L container for water collection daily from the mill. Mondi Merebank partnered with an NGO to provide immediate relief for those most affected within the mill’s vicinity, including shelter, water, food, blankets, clothes and healthcare products.
Climate change is leading to an increase of global temperatures and precipitation patterns are shifting. The private sector plays a critical role in tackling the climate crisis, setting targets, implementing ambitious intiatives and reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
Take a look how we are taking committed steps to reduce GHG emissions.
Mondi Action Plan 2030