Sabrina Klösch
Find out more about Sabrina, our machine operator at Mondi Frantschach.

How long have you been working at Mondi Frantschach and how has your career developed?
I started an apprenticeship as a paper technician at Mondi Frantschach in 2008. After 3.5 years of apprenticeship and the final apprenticeship examination, I was offered a permanent position in the area of paper production. I accepted this offer with great joy and started working shifts in April 2012. I started with our three rewinders, then other areas followed. My work mainly focused on the PM7 and PM8 machines. I worked in stock preparation as a refiner supervisor and then as an assistant to the machine operator. In 2020 I operated the PM7 for the first time as a machine operator and led the team. Although I am still at the very beginning of my career as a machine operator, I am very excited to see where this path will take me.
Tell us something about your time as an apprentice.
When I started, I was the first woman in this teaching profession. There was another woman next to me who was starting her apprenticeship as a mechanical engineering technician, so there were already two of us. The time at vocational school was an exciting and exciting time. At that time there were only four women among the paper technicians in Austria, and that was something very special in a profession that was previously more often chosen by men.
What does your working day look like today?
My working day is very varied. There is no real routine because my shift rhythm is constantly changing. A lot of flexibility is required, but that's exactly what I like. For me, family and work can be easily combined, regardless of whether I work in the morning, afternoon or evening. My favorite shift is the night shift because it gives you most of the day off. Of course you sleep in the morning, but you can make full use of your free time.
What was it like for you to operate the PM7 as a machine operator for the first time?
I was very excited! Everything worked and the machine produced “very well”. That was really a great feeling and a confirmation of my work and the trust that was placed in me. My colleagues were very proud of me and of course I was also very proud of myself. Collaboration is key, especially at the beginning as a new machine operator. You are only as good as the team that works with you!
What are your tasks as a machine operator on the PM7?
The PM7 team always consists of three people. Two people control the production and one person operates the rewinder. As a machine operator, I control the production process together with my colleague. You have a lot of responsibility because the most important thing is that you produce high quality paper and have no downtime. I pay attention to the speed of the machine and try to ensure optimal productivity. As a machine operator, I pay a lot of attention to safety - this is not only my job, but also the safety of my colleagues.
What is produced on the PM7?
On the PM7 we produce machine-smooth special kraft paper - also called MG paper. The paper is mainly used for packaging and carrier bags.
What fascinates you about the papers you produce?
I believe that it will become even more important in the future to offer sustainable and environmentally friendly packaging solutions for our customers. Consumers, whether in retail or other areas, are consciously paying attention to sustainability. Paper will certainly displace other packaging used today and serve as the basis for use in many areas. We all come into contact with packaging / bags / carrier bags made from our paper almost every day - we should be aware of this. I often think about this when I buy bread or rolls from the bakery. When my two nephews go shopping with me, they often ask me: "Aunty, did you make the paper?" I often answer YES because I immediately recognize our paper from Frantschach!
What was your “Mondi moment”?
I don't have to think about it for long - my "Mondi moment" was after completing my apprenticeship. I got a lot of positive feedback from the trainers here at the Frantschach factory and then I got the job in paper production at Mondi Frantschach and was the first woman in this position at the time. I always wanted to work in a “male job” and the position made my wish come true. A very special moment!
What do you like best about Mondi Frantschach?
Mondi Frantschach has always supported and encouraged me in my career. I feel very comfortable in my shift team, we really are a great team where fun is not neglected. Mondi Frantschach, for example, organizes excursions during our shifts! We support each other and my colleagues are also my friends outside of work. I like going to work.
What advice would you like to give to young women interested in technology?
You should have confidence in yourself and definitely not bury your head in the sand. Young women should be confident, especially in professions where the majority are men. I would recommend one of my mottos to everyone: "If you start something, you finish it!" - This also helped me during my training. What is still very important is open communication with colleagues and superiors. If there is a problem, you have to address it and not be shy. There is always a solution.