Our contractor safety focus in Uncoated Fine Paper

Maintaining a good safety performance and preventing fatalities.
Our Uncoated Fine Paper (UFP) business unit faced challenges with regard to contractor safety performance prior to 2021, which included fatalities. Contractors perform non-routine, often high-risk activities at Mondi sites, such as demolitions, forestry works, heavy load lifting or working at heights. It is critical to reduce the risk involved, by engaging with contractors, so that everybody returns home safely every day.
To maintain a good safety performance and prevent fatalities, we started eight contractor initiatives across UFP, at our mills and forestry operations. The initiatives ranged from manager and contractor training to contractor selection and reshaping the induction process. Each initiative was led by a mill safety manager to provide a bottom-up approach, involving other functions and specialists where required. The solutions proposed by each working group were tested locally and, if successful, approved by a steering committee for roll-out across UFP. One of the focus areas included an engagement initiative called Your Reason To Be Safe, which encouraged contractors to provide photographs of their reasons to be safe.
In 2021 and 2022, UFP experienced no fatalities or life-altering injuries. At the same time, our best-in-class Total Recordable Case Rate (TRCR) has further improved.
Mondi Action Plan 2030