How we engage with our suppliers on decarbonisation

Collaborating with our suppliers to reduce GHG emissions and make progress against our Net-Zero targets.
Making progress against our Scope 3 Net-Zero target requires increased supply chain collaboration on decarbonisation topics and low-carbon business practices. We collaborate with suppliers on projects to reduce GHG emissions, replace carbon-intensive raw materials and increase the share of primary GHG data.
In 2023, we hosted our first Supplier Virtual Event with over 100 participants from key suppliers to highlight their important role in supporting Mondi to deliver against our science-based Net-Zero targets. We talked through our approach to sustainability and how we are driving down GHG emissions through modernising our plants as well as investing in process and energy efficiency.
Afterwards, we followed up on the collection of primary supplier GHG emission data and encouraged suppliers to increase action on carbon reduction. For more detail, see page 87 in our procurement section.
We also provided support to suppliers considering committing to a science-based Net-Zero target by explaining which steps are required and sharing knowledge on how we found solutions for potential concerns.
The Supplier Virtual Event was an important kick-off for our work with our suppliers to together reduce GHG emissions. Discussions after the event gave us better understanding of the stage our suppliers are in the decarbonisation journey and lay the foundation for the follow-up by our procurement team.
- Liisa Ohlsson, Head of Supplier Engagement and Responsible Procurement
With around 55% of our Group’s total GHG emissions coming from our supply chain, we aim to accelerate our engagement with our suppliers on their reduction targets and climate transition plans.
2023 sustainability report
See our 2023 sustainability report and indices and read about our committments and performance against our action areas and targets.