Managing Ecosystems
We apply a landscape-level approach to safeguard ecosystems, biodiversity and water.
Safeguarding ecosystems, biodiversity and water
Well-functioning ecosystems are fundamentally linked to the health of our planet and wellbeing of people. The availability of natural resources such as wood and water are key to ensure a resilient business for Mondi.
Some of our pulp and paper mills are surrounded by forest plantations (e.g. in South Africa) and semi-natural forests (e.g. in Europe), embedded into a network of protected areas and conservation corridors.
See our infographic below illustrating our operational environment and learn more about the key performance indicators (KPIs) we assess and monitor regularly. You can also download it here.
Key performance indicators
In our manufacturing operations, we can directly manage environmental impact drivers. We conduct biodiversity and water stewardship assessments and develop action plans.
Our primary focus remains on our pulp and paper mills as no material impacts or dependencies have been identified for our converting sites.
KPIs include: GHG emissions; air emissions; waste to landfill; water emissions; percentage of reusable, recyclable or compostable products.
We manage environmental impact drivers in our landholdings, for example forest plantations in South Africa. We implement and test the best available management practices and monitoring approaches.
KPIs include: land managed for conservation; areas free of Invasive alien plants; carbon sequestration in forest areas; conservation corridors and freshwater quality.

In external sourcing areas (e.g. semi-natural forests in Europe) where we don’t have direct control of land management, we monitor the overall state of ecosystems via several proxy KPIs. We collaborate with others to increase science-based knowledge of ecosystem stewardship and promote best practice sharing.
KPIs include: rate of deforestation and forest degradation; percentage of forest areas certified; percentage of responsibly procured wood

Taking a landscape-level approach, we also look at nature-related impacts and dependencies beyond our direct operations and sourcing areas. Where we are not able to directly influence ecosystem stewardship on the ground, we focus our efforts on catalysing positive change at scale via collaboration with relevant local and regional partners.
KPIs include: protected areas and red-listed species; flow & balance tracking in priority water catchments; sustainable forest management criteria and forest certification in sourcing countries

of our mills and forestry operations have conducted water stewardship assessments to date
of our mills and forestry operations have completed biodiversity assessments
of our mills and forestry operations developed biodiversity action plans in 2023
2023 managing ecosystems highlights

Our approach to water stewardship
We see water stewardship as a priority, especially in water-stressed and water scarce regions. We assess and manage our own water-related risks and conduct water stewardship assessments. Our goal is to reduce water use and increase water recycling and reuse. This also includes modernising wastewater treatment facilities at our mills. Through MAP2030, we are committed to conduct water stewardship assessments at our mills and forestry operations by 2025 and implement required actions to address the findings by 2030. Read about our recent investments to upgrade our wastewater treatment plants in our articles below.
Safeguarding biodiversity in our operations
We recognise our role in enhancing the state of nature in our operational landscapes. We focus on avoiding harm to biodiversity hot spots and maintaining or improving quantity and quality of ecosystems. Mondi has committed to conduct biodiversity assessments at its mills and forestry operations by 2025. These assessments help us to identify important biodiversity sites around our operations and evaluate the state of environmental aspects, which also may affect biodiversity.
Mapping biodiversity footprints
We teamed up with the Endangered Wildlife Trust to develop biodiversity accounting principles in our South African forestry landholdings.

Read more about biodiversity and water management
Photo credits
butterfly: Lize van der Merwe
flower with beetles: Shannon Estate LvdMerwe