Improving access to the grievance platform 'SpeakOut'

Reporting concerns anonymously.
SpeakOut is Mondi’s anonymous grievance system for employees, customers, partners and other stakeholders to raise any concern relating to potential bribery, discrimination, fraud, corruption, environmental pollution, major safety and health violations, harassment or other significant topics.
In 2021, we have evaluated our SpeakOut mechanism against Principle 31 of the UN Guiding Principles (UNGPs) and set to work addressing the gaps identified. Based on the recommendations of the DIHR, we have improved the messaging, consistency and accessibility of SpeakOut communication materials. This was supported by an internal and external SpeakOut Refresh campaign in 2021.
The Internal Audit function is responsible for monitoring the SpeakOut process, overseen by the Audit Committee and the Board. Each Audit Committee and Board meeting includes a summary of reported issues, the status of unresolved items and actions taken in response to the valid allegations.
Learn more about SpeakOut.