Leading by example: Mondi South Africa's gender diversity and inclusion journey

Increasing safety for women at Mondi South Africa.
In 2023, Mondi South Africa (MSA) established engagement workshops and conversations to investigate challenges experienced by women at MSA and promote best practices. Within a month, 80% of women employed in MSA had engaged, providing a platform for women to feel safe to share experiences and connect.
After the issue of sexual harassment at work in the form of catcalling and inappropriate comments, primarily by contractors, was highlighted by some women, the MSA team created communication materials to specifically address the issue.
The local leadership team reinforced the message that Mondi is a sexual harassment-free zone in a video, which was displayed on screens throughout the sites. Additional signage and posters were installed at sites, with extremely positive feedback from female colleagues at MSA.
Moreover, MSA is dedicated to enhancing awareness and preventing inappropriate behaviour through comprehensive training programs for all staff members. These efforts include integrating a clearly communicated zero-tolerance policies against harassment into the induction process for both employees and contractors.
The momentum across Mondi to create a diverse workforce and inclusive culture needs to involve everyone, at every level, across all our operations.
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