Last mile delivery and its impact on the environment
Welcome to the 4th Mondi Group eCommerce Briefing webinar: Your challenge is our challenge.
In this insightful conversation, Mirek Gral, Vice President of The Last Mile Experts from Poland, will discuss key findings from his latest report on last-mile delivery, tackling some of the most pressing challenges and innovations shaping the eCommerce landscape today. An essential resource for anyone looking to improve their last-mile delivery strategies and promote sustainability in the competitive eCommerce market.
The conversation is hosted by Julie Rohracher, Mondi Group's eCommerce Marketing and Communication Manager.
Discussion highlights, amongst others:
- The biggest challenges in last-mile logistics for eCommerce
- How innovations in the last mile are transforming customer experience
- Sustainability and efficiency in delivery operations
- The role of consumer education in making online shopping more sustainable through informed delivery choices

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